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Dent Sale: CHAMORU CUISINE Cookbook

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You now can buy our cookbook as an instant eBook download on Apple's bookstore for those that have Apple branded devices such as the iPad, iPhone, MacBook, or iMac Desktops. Click here to purchase and download it from Apple. We also have our eBook available on the Kindle via Amazon. Click here to purchase it and download it from Amazon. 

In addition to ordering our physical cookbook here, you can also find them in a few bookstores including - Bold for Books (Washington D.C.), Kitchen and Arts Bookstore (NY), Faith Bookstore and Bestseller Bookstore (Guam), Lollipops (Saipan).

CHAMORU CUISINE: A Mariånas Cultural Legacy is an award-winning* cookbook that reflects the CHamoru culture of Guam, Saipan, Rota, and Tinian. It has earned 5-star ratings, and is now in 3,645+ homes across the world and growing.

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Authors Gerard and Mary Aflague, formerly from the island of Guam, craft a family legacy from their parents and World War II survivors Lorenzo and Julia Aflague. Their book highlights the CHamoru culture and hundreds of island recipes from the Mariånas.  Enjoy reading their legacy, pass along a beautiful CHamoru history, and share tasty recipes with family and friends.


  • Origins of a CHamoru family legacy
  • Narratives about preserving and passing on the CHamoru culture
  • Overview of the Mariånas
  • Maps of Guam, Rota, Tinian, and Saipan
  • Stories of CHamoru culture
  • Narratives about the CHamoru people
  • A story about the CHamoru fiesta
  • A prayer before meals and the Lord's prayer in CHamoru and English
  • Phrases used in the kitchen in CHamoru and English
  • Pencil drawings of Mariånas life from an 1800s Russian artist
  • Narratives and vintage photos about CHamoru culinary practices
  • Colorful photographs of the land and sea in the Mariåna islands
  • A brief history of CHamoru cuisine
  • Illustrated ingredients in English and CHamoru
  • Helpful kitchen tips
  • 100+ CHamoru and island-inspired recipes
  • Guides for meat doneness and temperature settings 
  • Culinary terms and definitions in CHamoru and English
  • Calendars for harvesting fruits and vegetables in the Mariånas
  • Index
  • Notes pages

Recipes in this book were prepared and photographed in the Aflagues' test kitchen. They were crafted in keeping with the flavors one would expect from CHamoru cooking. Among the hundreds of home- and fiesta-style recipes, the Aflagues included a handful of their own tropical-themed dishes.

Pages: 424 total
Book Weight: 3 pounds, 4 ounces
Book size: 8 x 10 x 1.25 inches
Orientation: Portrait
Cover: Hardback matte cover with glossy titles
Inside: Full color as well as black and white pages
Edition: 1st
Printing: 2nd
Publisher: Blue Wave Press
Authors: Gerard and Mary Aflague
Content and Copy Editor: Victoria Leon Guerrero
Cultural and CHamoru Editor: Joey Franquez
Recipe Editor: Vicki Tosher+

*CHAMORU CUISINE received a 2019 Gourmand "Best in World" Cookbook award.

Recipes in this book include:

Amotsa Breakfast
Inafliton Hineksa Mariånas  Mariånas Fried Rice  
Yinalaka’ CHåda’, Atmagosu, yan Gollai Siha  Scrambled Eggs, Bitter Melon, and Veggies
Inafliton Hineksa ni Manå’yi Kåtne  Steak Fried Rice  
Pånket Siha Ginen i Isla  Island-Style Hot Cakes
CHurisos Dinanche, CHåda’, yan Hineksa’  Spicy Sausage, Eggs, and Rice   

CHesa Siha Appetizers
Boñelos Uhang  Shrimp Patties  
Lumpian Månnok  Chicken Spring Rolls  
Kelaguen Binådu Citrusy Chopped Venison  
Madoya  Fried Sweet Bananas  
Mana’pika na Getmon Maguro’  Spicy Tuna Crunch  
Mapikan Månnok yan Gollai Siha (Motsiyas)  Minced Chicken and Vegetables  
Kelaguen Kåtnen Guaka  Citrusy Chopped Beef   
Enkattidon Papåya  Pickled Papaya   
Gellai yan Ensalåda Siha Vegetables and Salads
Ensalådan Batåtas CHamoru  CHamoru Potato Salad  
Bok Choy, Payonsia yan Donne’ Gollai Agaga’   Bok Choy, Mushrooms, and Red Bell Peppers
Månnok, Gollai yan Satsan Hålom Tåno’   Chicken Veggie Bowl with Jungle Sauce  
Tininon Birenghenas ni Malechen Niyok   Roasted Eggplant in Coconut Milk  
Såtsan i Isla  Savory Island Salsa  
Gollai Hågon Suni  Taro Leaves in Coconut Milk  
Ensalådan Pånglao yan Gollai  Broccoli Crab Salad  
Såtsan Mames i Isla  Sweet Island Salsa  
Enkattidon Atmagosu  Pickled Bitter Melon  
Ensalådan Kåmba yan Daigo’  Cucumber and Daigo Salad  
Ensalådan Isla ‘Macaroni’  Island Macaroni Salad   
Tropikåt Ensalådan Mariånas  Tropical Mariånas Salad  
‘Spinach’ Hånom, Siboyas Dikike’, yan Håsngot’   Water Spinach, Shallots, and Ginger

Åggon Siha Starches
Hineksa’ Agaga’  CHamoru Red Rice  
Gollai Åppan Lemmai   Breadfruit in Coconut Milk  
Pån Sena  Dinner Rolls  
Pansit Kanton, Kåtnen Guaka, yan Gollai Siha  Pan-Fried Egg Noodles, Beef, and Vegetables  
Makomat Titiyas Harina  Grilled Flour Tortillas  
Riyenu  CHamoru Potato Stuffing  
Empanåda  Fried Red Rice Chicken Turnover  
Gollai Åppan Kamuti  Sweet Potatoes in Coconut Milk  
Pansit Bihon Månnok  Stir-Fried Chicken, Rice Noodles, and Vegetables  
Mahotnon Kamuten Lila   Roasted Purple Sweet Potatoes  
Gollai Åppan Mendioka   Cassava in Coconut Milk  
Titiyas Ma’es  Corn Tortillas  
Pika na Tamåles Gisu  Spicy and Savory Tamales  
Gollai Åppan Aga’  Bananas in Coconut Milk  
Titiyas Månha  Young Coconut Tortillas  
Hineksa’ Åpaka’  White Rice  
Mahotnon Mames Kamuti Siha  Roasted Sweet Potatoes  

Fina’denne’ yan Tinemplåda Siha Condiments and Marinades
Fina’denne’  Spicy-Soy Mariånas Sauce    
Fina’denne’ Binakle  Spicy-Vinegar Sauce  
Satsan Hålom Tåno’  Jungle Sauce  
Birenghenas Dinanche  Eggplant Hot Pepper Mash    
Tinemplan Kechap yan Lemon Mårianas  Mariånas Soy-Lemon Marinade  
Tinemplan Kechap yan Binakle  Soy-Vinegar Marinade   

Kåddo Siha Soups
Kåddon Månnok ni Malechen Niyok   Chicken Coconut Milk Soup  
Kåddon ‘Shank’ yan Papåya ni Malechen Niyok  Beef Shank and Papaya in Coconut Milk  
Aros Kåddon Månnok yan Hasngot   Rice Soup with Chicken and Ginger  
Esutangu, Kåtnen Guaka yan Gollai  Glass Noodles, Beef, and Vegetables  
‘Shank’ Guaka yan Puntan Kalamasa ni Maleche  Beef Shank and Pumpkin Tips in Coconut Milk  
Ilotes   Sweet Corn Soup with Coconut Milk  
Kåtnen Binådu, Puntan Kalamasa, yan Suni  Venison, Pumpkin Tips, and Taro  
Kåri  Fresh Turmeric and Chicken in Coconut Milk
Mongos yan Månnok  Mung Beans with Chicken  

Kåtne yan Gå’ga’ Tåsi Meats and Seafood
Kelaguen Månnok  Lemon Coconut Chopped Chicken  
CHamoskåddon Kåtnen Guaka  Hearty Beef Stew  
CHalakiles ni Manå’yiyi Kåtnen Månnok  Toasted Red Rice Chicken  
Tinaktak Kåtnen Guaka ni Malechen Niyok  Tenderized Beef in Coconut Milk  
CHurisos CHamoru  Chorizos CHamoru  
Estufao Månnok  Soy Garlic Chicken  
Tininon Kostiyas Babui  Grilled Pork Spare-Ribs  
Masipek Kåtnen Guaka yan Gollai  Beef and Vegetable Skewers  
Bistek  Soy-Vinegar Beef Sauté  
Tininon Månnok  Mariånas Grilled Chicken  
Kåddon Pikan Månnok  Spicy Stewed Soy Chicken  
Tininon Kostiyas Guaka  Grilled Beef Short Ribs  
Kåtnen ‘Rib-Eye’ yan Mångga ni Ma’afliton Yalaka’   Rib-Eye and Mango Stir Fry
Matostan Sesame Machamosan Maguro’   Sesame Encrusted Seared Tuna Salad  
Birenghenas yan Mana’mames Kåtnen Guaka   Eggplant and Sweet Beef
Guihan yan ‘Spinach’ ni Malechen Niyok  Fish and Spinach in Coconut Milk  
Pånglao ni Malechen Niyok  Crab in Coconut Milk  
Guihan yan ‘Bok Choy’ ni Malechen Niyok  Fish and Bok Choy in Coconut Milk  
Eskabeche  Fried Fish and Vegetables in Turmeric Sauce   
Kelaguen Uhang  Lemon Chopped Shrimp  
Kruket Satmon  Salmon Croquette  
Uhang ni Malechen Niyok  Shrimp in Coconut Milk
Guihan ni Mana’mames yan Ma’aksom   Sweet and Sour Fish  
Ma’afliton Guihan Palakse’/Låggua  Deep Fried Parrot Fish  

Fina’mames Siha Desserts
CHampulådu  Chocolate Rice Porridge  
Påstet  Baked Pumpkin Turnover  
Boñelos Aga’ Banana Doughnuts  
Buchibuchi  Fried Pumpkin Turnover  
Bukåyu  Coconut Candy  
Inafliton Roset  Crispy Rosettes  
Latiya  Cinnamon Custard Cake  
Boñelos Antigu  Sugar Doughnuts  
Mahotnon Mendioka yan Niyok  Baked Coconut Cassava   
Rosketti   Crumbly Cookies  
Pai Puddeng   Custard Pie  
Leche Flan   Caramel Custard Pudding  
Ensalådan Fresko na Fruta   Fresh Fruit Salad  
Pai Månha  Young Coconut Pie  
Pai Mames Kamuten Mariånas  Mariånas Sweet Potato Pie    
Guyuria  Glazed Twirly Cookies   
Pai Lemon ‘Meringue’  Lemon Meringue Pie  
Kalamai (Kulot de Rosa)  Pink Corn Pudding  
Makomat Mendioka yan Niyok (Apigige’)  Toasted Cassava and Coconut  
Puddeng Pån CHamoru  CHamoru Bread Pudding
Pai Mames na Kamuten Luta  Rota Sweet Potato Pie  
Åhu  Sweet Young Coconut Soup
Minesklan Niyok Tropikåt  Tropical Coconut Clusters      
Puddeng 'Chia' Aga' yan Mångga   Banana Mango Chia Pudding
CHeritan ‘Acai’ yan Frutas Tropikåt   Tropical Fruits Acai Bowl  
Brohas  Sponge Cake  
Ma’åson Tamåles Niyok yan Mendioka Steamed Coconut and Cassava

Customer reviews collected from email and social media sources (not all-inclusive):

D.Q., Guam - What a beautiful book! My daughter and I went through the whole book as soon as we got it! I was impressed with the entire book!

B.S., Unknown - Hafa Adai, Gerard. I wanted to let you know that my kids and siblings loved your book. So much so that they asked me for your website so they can order a few for their kids. Thanks again for all you do. We’re all so impressed with the quality of the book and the great effort you put into publishing such a comprehensive book about our history, culture and recipes. You did an amazing job!!

M.B., Las Vegas - Gerard and Mary, I first bought your cookbook and liked it very much. I'm back to order more cookbooks for my girlfriends together with your fina'denne' bowls which make the perfect pair. Extend my thanks to your wife for all she has done to preserve our culture and cuisine.

A.G., Guam - Your cookbook has a cult following on Guam. While I supported you on Kickstarter. I'm back to order 56 more copies for me and my colleagues on Guam. I know you have a limited supply. If I could, I would order 120 copies. Lol. I'll check back later!

B.M., Guam - Gerard. I'm back Christmas shopping and I'm excited to order a bunch of small gifts, but I'm also grabbing another four cookbooks for under the holiday tree!

J.C., San Diego - It's Christmas soon and in thinking about holiday gift giving, I came to realize that your CHAMORU CUISINE Cookbook is a unique cultural choice for family and friends. While I ordered a few early on, I'm back to order another 12 copies!

M.P., Virginia - My birthday wish was to get a copy of your cookbook. I am looking forward to getting it in my hands. I told my wife that this is what I wanted this year. I'm also planning on getting copies for other family members. Thank you!

D.M., San Diego - I just received your book....thank you. I am impressed with the entire concept of what you have created; some history, some geography, and great food all mixed together. For those of us that once lived there, these are all strong reminders of what we had physically and what we now have as memories! While I am not a Guamanian, I have a very strong attachment to Guam and the surrounding islands. My personal history extends from 1953 from stopping there on the way to the Philippines when I was a baby to going to high school (JFK class of 1970) (my father was in the USAF and I lived at Andersen AFB), to being stationed at Ritidian Point in the early '70s when I was in the USN, and then a short 5-month visit, my last, in 1977 after getting out of the Navy. I may live in San Diego now but I think of Guam all of the time. I know that the island has changed since I was there but your more-than-a-cookbook cookbook, I think, will help remind me even more of some of the things that I loved so much about Guam, wonderful food, the stunning beauty of the island, and above all, the people that I met and knew and miss.

L.C., Guam - Just to let you know that I finally did received my 2 books.  No damage at all.  They’re awesome to have as a reference.  You both truly did put your heart and love to make the island local cuisine in reality. Photos are superb and just awesome to look at! Congratulation and a JOB WELL DONE!

G.S. - What a stunning and beautiful collection of Chamoru recipes and history! I received my book yesterday and told my families on Guam. It is a beautiful book! Excellent! They should be ordering many this coming month. Congratulations for a job well done! Please extend my congratulations to your wife Mary too! Best wishes and I hope you'll get lots of orders!

Anonymous - I just received my copy and it’s absolutely beautiful. Thank you for such a lovely book. It’s going to be passed down.

K.H. - Wow. Just. Wow. I have no words for this stunning labor of love. The photographs, layout, history, and stories are breathtaking. The recipes are just something else divine to enjoy about this book. The packaging was very classy and elegant. Thank you so much for a lovely campaign and book. Congratulations to you and your lovely family. Your Marley is precious. She's obviously the apple of her Grandparents' eye.

T. S. - ...I really like the idea that this book is not just a cookbook, but that it offers culture and history. Thank you and your wife for this. Thank you so much for this opportunity you are giving especially to our younger generation! I hope our younger daughter would want to do the same and even more!:)

C.K., Nebraska - When I saw that you included making the Northern Mariånas a part of your book's content, I knew I had to have it for me and my children. We appreciate what you are doing for our people.

E.B., South Carolina - I'm originally from the east coast but lived on Guam as a merchant mariner for about a year. My experience on Guam and traveling to the Northern Marianas (Rota, Tinian, and Saipan) was an experience I would never forget. The people of the Marianas know how to live together - working toward a common good as islanders. I didn't see people of the islands being defined by their skin color. Looking back, I enjoyed my time among the islanders. While I would describe Chamoru food as an acquired taste, I did enjoy the flavors of the barbecue on skewers. What I didn't try was breadfruit. I should have tried it since I had a tree in my yard while there in Guam. I'm buying this book for myself and for a friend who is now stationed in Guam.


P. v.d.S., Netherlands - Hello! I am very pleased to have found your interesting book!

M.M., California - Hello Mr. & Mrs. Aflague, Thank you for your cookbook and for all you do for our Guam community worldwide!

C. F, California - We thank you for what you and your wife are doing for my children and many others like us. Our children are second and third generation Chamorus. Your book will offer us a treasure to pass down as a family heirloom. We are happy that this cultural resource is now made available to us all.

C.A., Virginia - I visit Guam regularly and enjoy the food of the islands. I made a couple of recipes in my Virginia home that you shared in a news article. My wife enjoyed the estufao. Next, we will be attempting to make your loose Chorizos Chamoru pork sausage. I'm looking forward to trying more recipes in your book.

C.E., New Jersey - My mother's family immigrated to Guam from the Philippines then relocated to the states. Today, I enjoy many Chamoru recipes like red rice and empanada. While I enjoy the islands' cuisine, I don't have insight into the culture of the Marianas because I was born stateside. I'm looking forward to reading CHAMORU CUISINE to learn more about where my mom's family immigrated to and lived for a while,  to learn more about the CHamoru culture and to cook tasty CHamoru food.

J.L. - So happy you are perpetuating our Chamorro culture!  My nephews and nieces are being exposed to your (children's) books!  I was extremely moved to see our language being published beyond a comic strip in the PDN.  I love the associated artwork in the books!

B.D., Kentucky - I rushed to open the book upon its arrival in the mail. It brought me tears to see the love that came through those pages. Your dedication to God, your parents and family’s legacy, and our culture. This book is much more than I expected, more than a cookbook. God’s hand was on this project.

A.M., California - I'm happy that you and Mary have done something like this for our people. I'm excited to have this cookbook in my life!

D.M - I Just received my book "Chamoru Cuisine."  I wanted to thank you for a wonderful cookbook.  The book is absolutely beautiful.  My father was born and raised in Guam.  My entire family learned how to cook several of these dishes from my father.  Friends and family always enjoy the dishes we make when we get together.  Thank You again!

M.M. - I recently purchased 3 of these cookbooks for my kids and my wife fell in love with it and has to have one. She said it brought back so many happy memories from her childhood on Guam cooking with her grandmother. Thank you so much for helping to keep this culture alive.

J.R. - Just wanted to say thank you for the books and for the quick delivery.  I've barely been able to look at it yet, but they look even better than expected.

R.B. - Hi Gerard and Mary, I received my books today and am thrilled! It was worth the wait! Also happy it came before Father’s Day.  It’ll be a great surprise gift for my son who loves to cook.  I’m happy for you guys and truly respect and appreciate your hard work and dedication. Beautiful tribute to your parents whom I’ve known and respected.  Super job and thank you for always promoting our Chamoru culture. Biba!

J.M. - Our books arrived and we could not be happier with the result of your labor of love. And the bag! Wow. Thank you so much.



Wholesale purchase requests

Chamoru Cuisine is exclusively distributed by the Gerard Aflague Collection. For interests in wholesale purchases, please email and provide a copy of your sales tax license and quantity desired. Minimum orders for wholesale purchases are 10 pieces. 

Our book is not only available for purchase on this website, but it is available also available on,, in Faith Bookstore and Bestseller Books in Guam, Lollipop Inc. in Saipan, in Kitchen Arts and Letters in Manhattan, New York, and soon-to-be-available in Bold for Books in Washington D.C. and growing.


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